What's New in |version| ======================= IScorE |version| contains many bug fixes and several new features. Iscore 1.5.1 ------------ IScorE 1.5.1 has a few DNS related fixes from the 1.5 release. Mainly related to the :ref:`DNS Sync Script `. Upgrade Notes ------------- Due to updates in ``Pillow`` which IScorE depends on, ``libjpeg-dev`` is now required. To upgrade Iscore: 1. Copy or extract the new files to your existing installation directory. 2. Update packages by running ``pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt``. 3. Update the database by running ``python manage.py migrate`` from your installation directory. Major Changes ------------- - Updated to Django 1.8 - Improved Green Team anomaly view - :ref:`IP Range management ` features now work - :ref:`ip-ranges` can be added in bulk - Admins can now mass edit scores in God Mode - White team can now override anomaly expiration on a per team basis - :ref:`Sponsor images ` can now be managed in the admin area - :ref:`team-specific-info` can now specify a username for the service scanner to use - The service scanner can now use :ref:`pools ` of Team Specific Info for credentials - All blue teams documentation/report uploads are now required to be PDF - PDF submissions are now rendered on the grading page - Anomaly types and auto-graded anomalies - It is now possible to edit usability check lists - Service Scanner can now optionally Hop IP Addresses Minor Changes ------------- - Upgrade Dependencies - Anomaly and Documentation views now display the name of the grader - Penalties can now be edited - White Team/Admins can now edit/remove comments on submissions - The command used for SSH checks can now be changed in competition settings - Additional Team Specific Info generation options Bug Fixes --------- - Blue teams can no longer change team names during competition - Group membership changes in AD are now reflected in IScorE - Services can no longer have the same name - Deleting IP ranges no longer deletes the associated team - The "View Messages" screen no longer has placeholder text - Giving a team a penalty now validates the penalty score - When a service fails to save due to an individual team, the entire service object is deleted - Anomaly submissions times are now updated on subsequent submissions