.. _ldap-integration: Active Directory Integration ============================ IScorE has the ability to authenticate users against an Active Directory domain. In order to activate and configure the integration, several things need to be set in your ``localsettings.py``. They are described below. ``AD_DNS_NAME`` The FQDN or IP address of your domain controller. (Ex. "ad.iserink.org") ``AD_LDAP_PORT`` If your DC is not listing on the standard LDAP port, you will need to set this value. If using SSL, you will need to set this to `636` if using the default LDAPS port. ``AD_LDAP_URL`` Set this to ``'ldap://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME, AD_LDAP_PORT)'``; replace the protocol with ``ldaps`` if using SSL. ``AD_SEARCH_DN`` Set this to the DN of your domain. (Ex. "dc=iserink,dc=org") ``AD_NT4_DOMAIN`` Set this to the NT4 version of your domain. (Ex. "ISERINK") ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN`` A list of all ad groups that should get super user status in IScorE. 'Domain Admins' by default. ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_REQ`` A list of all ad groups that should be able to login to IScorE. Defaults to the value of ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN`` plus "CDCUsers", "Green", "White", and "Red". Does need to be set again if ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN`` has changed. ``AD_WHITE_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered White team. Defaults to "White". ``AD_GREEN_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered Green team. Defaults to "Green". ``AD_GREEN_ADMIN_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered Green team leaders. Defaults to "GreenAdmin". ``AD_RED_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered Red team. Defaults to "Red". ``AD_BLUE_GROUP_PREFIX`` The prefix for groups that will be considered Blue team. Defaults to "Blue". ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` In order to use the AD integration, ``auth.ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationBackend`` should be listed first in this setting. Assumptions ----------- The AD integration assumes that you have a group for each team that followings the pattern "AD_BLUE_GROUP_PREFIX #" (Ex. Blue 1, Blue 2, etc.).