What's New in |version| ======================= IScorE |version| contains many bug fixes and several new features. Upgrade Notes ------------- To upgrade Iscore: 1. Copy or extract the new files to your existing installation directory. 2. Update packages by running ``python setup.py develop``. 3. Update the database by running ``iscore-manage migrate`` from your installation directory. 4. Update the static files by running ``iscore-manage collectstatic`` from your installation directory. Major Changes ------------- - You can no longer edit usability checks after the first score has been submitted. - :ref:`service_accounts` to interact with the API. - You may now use the ``iscore-manage`` command instead of running ``manage.py`` directly. - Any user submitted text will now be rendered as Markdown. - Added many new :ref:`API ` endpoints. - :ref:`team-specific-info` can now be released at a specified time. - :ref:`team-specific-info` can now be hidden from Blue Teams while still being accessible by Green Team. - Anomalies show who is grading them. - Flags :ref:`marked missing ` by red team members will send a notification to white team, who can then confirm or reject the capture. - There is now a :ref:`grading-queue`. - :ref:`community-service` has been deprecated. Minor Changes ------------- - Improved navigation in :ref:`competition-settings`. - Removed redundant Service Scanner Settings tab in the admin area. - Improved :ref:`penalty ` workflow. - You may now :ref:`bulk-delete teams `. - Removed and replaced deprecated functionality. - The :ref:`Manifest Linter ` will now display the timeline of events in the manifest. - Added a beta version of Vulnerability Tracking. - Teams can now be :ref:`disabled `. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed Unicode support. - :ref:`team-info-pools` will not use items that have not been released. - Teams can no longer have the same team number. - The Green Team's list of Team Specific Info is now ordered by team number. - :ref:`CTF anomalies ` no longer affect the total anomaly score until they are released. - Better error messages when various things have duplicate names. - No longer allow negative scores outside of penalties. - Anomalies, Intrusion Reports, and Documentation can no longer expire before they have been released. - Many formatting fixes.