.. _ldap-integration: Active Directory Integration ============================ IScorE has the ability to authenticate users against an Active Directory domain. In order to activate and configure the integration, several things need to be set in your ``localsettings.py``. They are described below. ``AD_DNS_NAME`` The FQDN or IP address of your domain controller. (Ex. "ad.iserink.org") ``AD_LDAP_PORT`` If your DC is not listing on the standard LDAP port, you will need to set this value. If using SSL, you will need to set this to `636` if using the default LDAPS port. ``AD_LDAP_URL`` Set this to ``'ldap://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME, AD_LDAP_PORT)'``; replace the protocol with ``ldaps`` if using SSL. ``AD_SEARCH_DN`` Set this to the DN of your domain. (Ex. "dc=iserink,dc=org") ``AD_NT4_DOMAIN`` Set this to the NT4 version of your domain. (Ex. "ISERINK") ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN`` A list of all ad groups that should get super user status in IScorE. 'Domain Admins' by default. ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_REQ`` A list of all ad groups that should be able to login to IScorE. Defaults to the value of ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN`` plus "CDCUsers", "Green", "White", and "Red". Does need to be set again if ``AD_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN`` has changed. ``AD_WHITE_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered White team. Defaults to "White". ``AD_GREEN_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered Green team. Defaults to "Green". ``AD_GREEN_ADMIN_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered Green team leaders. Defaults to "GreenAdmin". ``AD_RED_GROUP`` A list of ad groups that will be considered Red team. Defaults to "Red". ``AD_BLUE_GROUP_PREFIX`` The prefix for groups that will be considered Blue team. Defaults to "Blue". ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` In order to use the AD integration, ``auth.ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationBackend`` should be listed first in this setting. ``AD_PW_CHANGE_URL`` If specified, all LDAP users' profile page will show this link instead of a password reset button. ``AD_PW_CHANGE_INSTRUCTION`` If not using ``AD_PW_CHANGE_URL``, you can give users instructions on how to change their passwords. If neither option is selected, the text "Please content White Team for password changes" will be displayed to LDAP users on their profile pages instead of a password change button. Assumptions ----------- The AD integration assumes that you have a group for each team that followings the pattern "AD_BLUE_GROUP_PREFIX #" (Ex. Blue 1, Blue 2, etc.).