.. _competition-settings: Competition Settings ==================== Guest Division -------------- Guest division allows for separating guest teams from regular teams in many views. The settings for guest division can by found by clicking on "Admin Area" > "Competition Settings" > "Guest Division". A screen like the one below will appear. .. image:: images/guest_division.png To enable guest division for each category click on the button on the left and it should turn green indicating that guest division is activated for that category. Click the button again to turn it off. The categories and what they affect are described below. Scoreboard Will create a section at the bottom of the scoreboard under which all guest teams will appear. Guest teams will **not** affect the placement of other teams but they will be ranked within themselves. The scorecard for guest teams will also display the place the team *would* be in if they were not a guest team. Documentation Will create a second section of graded/ungraded submissions for Green Team Documentation, White Team Documentation, and Intrusion Reports. Red Team Will create a section at the bottom of the red team overview and earnback screen under which all guest teams will appear. Usability Will create a section at the bottom of the usability check screen under which all guest teams will appear. Anomalies Will create a column in the anomaly tables for the guest teams to appear in. .. _ip-ranges: IP Ranges --------- IP ranges can be managed by clicking on "Admin Area" > "Competition Settings" > "IP Ranges". A screen like the one below will appear. .. image:: images/ip_management.png .. note:: IP ranges should be of the form ``xxx.xxx.xxx.0`` and should **NOT** be in CIDR notation. All ranges are assumed to be ``/24``. Add an IP Range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Enter the desired IP range in the "IP Range" field. #. Click the blue "Submit" button. Mass Add IP Ranges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Click the blue "Mass Add IP Ranges" button. #. Upload a text file with the IP ranges each on their own line, comma separated, or a combination of the two. #. Click the blue "Submit" button. Changing Super Types -------------------- #. Click on "Admin Area" > "Competition Settings" > "Edit SuperTypes". A table of scoring categories will appear. #. Change the weightings and released status for the scoring categories as desired. .. warning:: **DO NOT** change the names of Super Types. The scoring system does not expect them to change and *will* break if they are modified. #. Click the blue button in the bottom right corner to save your changes. Main Settings Form ------------------ Competition Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COMPETITION NAME The name of the competition. NUM BLUE TEAMS The number of blue teams in the competition TOTAL POSSIBLE SCORE The maximum score possible. Don't change this unless you know what you are doing. GLOBAL RED WIKI ACCESS When checked, the Red Wiki will be publicly viewable by everyone. Additionally, blue teams will be able to see flag capture notes and the Red Team Summary which includes the Red Evaulation breakdown and some team-specific flag statitstics. LOCKDOWN ENABLED When checked, IScorE will go into lockdown mode. Only admins will be able to view IScorE. This is used at the end of a competition before the winners are announced. SPONSORS ROTATE INTERVAL In milliseconds, how often the sponsors should rotate. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. _setting-enable-sponsors: ENABLE SPONSORS Enables sponsor logos in the bottom right corner and on displays. See :ref:`sponsor-logos` for more information. TEAM DOMAIN SUFFIX This is the value that will be used by IScorE as the base domain for every team. For example, if set to ``iserink.org`` all teams will have domain names of the pattern ``teamN.iserink.org`` by default. DISABLE TEAM INFO CHANGE Whether or not the team will be able to change their name, organization, or logo. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Service Scanner Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SERVICE SCAN START TIME The time at which the service scans start affecting the score. Also known as the start of the Attack Phase. SERVICE SCAN STOP TIME The time at which the service scans stop affecting the score. Also known as the end of the Attack Phase. SERVICE SCAN USERNAME The service scanner will default to using this value as the username where applicable. SERVICE SCAN PASSWORD The service scanner will default to using this value as the password where applicable. ENABLE SERVICE SCANNER Determines whether the service scanner should run or not. Announcement Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ALERT BANNER MESSAGE When set, a banner will be displayed with the value on every page. ALERT BANNER COLOR The color the alert banner will be displayed with Countdown Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COUNTDOWN ENDTIME 1/2 The time that timers 1 and 2 will count down to. This will be displayed on the scoreboard. This is usually used to display the time remaining before the competition or end of the attack phase. COUNTDOWN MESSAGE 1/2 The message displayed while the countdown timer is running COUNTDOWN END MESSAGE 1/2 The message that will be displayed when the timer has finished. If both timers are defined, the timer that finishes later will be displayed instead. COUNTDOWN BANNER COLOR 1/2 The color the countdown timer will be displayed in. DNS Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^ DISABLE DNS If checked, teams will be required to provide their own DNS servers. See :ref:`competitor-dns`. DISABLE DNS MESSAGE The message displayed to teams if ``DISABLE DNS`` is checked.