.. _upgrade: Upgrade Instructions ==================== #. Download IScorE |release| Download iscore-|release|.tar.gz from ISEChest. Extract the new files to your installation directory. #. Update configuration You might need to update your ```/path/to/iscore/iscore/settingslocal.py``` to use Django 1.11 features. You should not need to this unless you have custom changes. #. Install Redis If you have not already installed redis on your IScorE server you will need to run ```sudo apt-get install redis-server``` #. Install IScorE Run ``sudo python setup.py install``. #. Update dependencies To update the python dependencies, run ``sudo pip install -r requirements.txt`` from the directory IScorE is installed in. #. Update the database Run ``python manage.py migrate`` to update the database. #. Restart Services Finally, you can simply run ``supervisorctl restart iscore scheduler worker celery_beat`` to restart IScorE and the Service Scanner. You are now running IScorE |release|.