
Changed in version 2.0: The service scanner changed significantly in version 2.0.

Service Types

There are three types of service checks in IScorE: Standard Checks, Mass Checks, and Multi-Protocol Checks.

Multi-Protocol Checks

Multi-Protocol checks are special checks that choose which Standard Check they are going to use for a team based on a defined criteria (usually port number). For example, the “Remote Admin” check included with IScorE will use SSH to check the service if the port is 22 and RDP to check the service if the port is 3389.

Mass Checks

Mass checks are designed to check all teams at once. These are most useful when an external system is calculating the scores for a custom type of service. This is an advanced feature, and is not needed in the vast majority of situations.

Add Service

  1. On the left side-bar menu, click “Admin Area” if it is an option.

  2. On the left side-bar menu, click on “Services”. A page like the one below will appear.

  3. Click on the blue “Add Service” button in the upper right corner. A form like the one below will appear.

  4. Enter in the fields in the form. Below are descriptions of each field.


    Name of the service. E.g. WWW HTTP

    Maximum Score

    Maximum score for this service


    Protocol to use


    URL to check for each team. Insert {num} in place of team number or {custom} for the team’s custom domain. E.g.{num}`.<TEAM_DOMAIN_SUFFIX>. Insert {rand} if you want to check a number in url. For this, you will need to define low_target and high_target in service configuration. The values should be integers.


    Port to use


    Indicates that this is an external check that will not be run by the service scanner.

    Team-specific Password

    Team-specific password to use, if applicable.

    Team-specific Password Pool

    Which Team Info Pools to use, if applicable.

    Score Released

    Whether the score will be available to Blue Teams.

    Visibility Settings

    A series of checkboxes indicating the whether the service check is visible to the which groups.

    Service Configuration

    Section for adding configuration data for service. For example, the string for the HTTP check for check for. If service requires something entered into the Service Configuration help text will appear in this section.

  5. Click the blue “Submit” button in the upper left corner.

Edit Service

  1. On the left side-bar menu, click on “Admin Area”.

  2. On the left side-bar menu, click on “Services”. A page like the one below will appear.

  3. Click on the white “Edit” button next to the service you want to edit. A form like the one below will appear.

  4. Change the desired values.

  5. Click the blue “Submit” button in the upper left corner.

  6. Remember, some changes will not appear on the service scanner until the next scan.


If you increase the score of a check, passing checks will turn yellow (partial credit) until the next service scan.

Delete Service

  1. On the left side-bar menu, click “Admin Area”.

  2. On the left side-bar menu, click “Services”. A page like the one below will appear.

  3. Click on the red “Delete” button next to the service you want to remove. A message box asking to confirm the deletion will appear.

  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the red “Delete” button.

Create A Service Override

A service override can be used for change the configuration of a service.

  1. On the left side-bar menu, click “Admin Area”.

  2. On the left side-bar menu, click “Services”.

  3. Click “Service Overrides” A page like the one below will appear.

  4. Click on “Create Override” in the upper left. The form like the one below will appear.

  5. Enter in the fields in the form. Below are descriptions of each field.


    Blue team that override will effect


    Which service the override will effect


    New port number that will used


    The protocol that will be used.


Be careful when selecting a protocol. If a service does not have Team-specific password/pool and override protocol needs it the service scan will fail!

  1. Click the blue “Submit” button in the lower center.