User Management¶
Edit User¶
On the left side-bar menu, click “Admin Area”.
On the left side-bar menu, click “Manage Users”. A screen like the one below will appear.
The top table lists the current users. Scroll through this table until you see the user you want to edit.
Click on the blue Edit button to the right of the user. The current information for that user will appear in the form at the bottom of the screen.
Change the values in the fields as desired.
If you are using the AD integration, then the values here must agree with the AD server. Do not change them without updating the AD server or that user may not be able to login. See Active Directory Integration for more information.
Click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom to save your changes.
Enable/Disable User¶
On the left side-bar menu, click “Admin Area”.
On the left side-bar menu, click “Manage Users”. A screen like the one below will appear.
The top table lists the current users. Scroll through this table until you see the user you want to edit.
Click the Disable/Enable button to the right of the button to disable/enable the user’s account.
Add User¶
- At the bottom of the user management screen is a blank form for user information.
- Fill out the form. Click the blue “Set Team” button to assign them to a team if required. You must assign the user to a team if they are a Blue user.
- Click the blue “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen to add the user.
Service Accounts¶
New in version 1.6.
Users marked as service users are users that are for internal use and cannot log in directly. Service accounts may also
have access to the API. By default, IScorE has the [imported]
and [deleted]
service users, which
are used for imported usability check data and to replace deleted users as the grader for scores.
API Access¶
Service accounts and admin accounts are allowed access to the API. To give these accounts access to the API, click on the appropriate “API Access” button in the user management screen. A screen like the one below will appear:

To give the account access, click on the green “Generate” button. The screen will refresh and display like token like the image below:

You may now use that token to access the API as that user.
Admin users can only see the API tokens for themselves and service accounts. They cannot see the tokens of other users.